Friday, May 30, 2014

It takes 2095.... Volunteers

A writer who tattooed a book word by word on the skin of more than 2000 volunteers. Shelly Jackson doesn't call these willing participants but called the tattoo volunteers 'words'. As she simply regards them as with great affection and admiration. Well indeed, she is one of the greatly admired author herself.
Shelley's story "Skin" exists only in the flesh and on the flesh of about 2000 words (volunteers).
The story was written by having these volunteers to each be tattooed on a single word. And the fact is the book has NEVER been told/written in any other form.
So you can imagine,if you or someone who wanted to try to piece this story together, it is almost impossible to fully assemble such an artwork. Why?
As one of the words (volunteers) fell ill and died few years ago :( Which makes " Skin" both physically and ephemeral that is simultaneously so tangible and less real than a printed story.
But some genius idea can't go to the drain with some help as an edited version was assembled. Below is one of the videos that her words have uploaded onto Youtube.
I don't know about you, but I'm freaking amazed.

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